How To Fill Holes In Your Jeans

Okay does this sound like an oxymoron or what?! My 9-year-old wonders why I pay full price for jeans with holes in them haha and now I am going to show you how to fill those holes-crazy I know! Sometimes though, these ripped jeans are just a little too ripped or I don’t want skin showing through in the upper parts of my leg. These jeans are so buttery smooth and comfortable so I really wanted them, I just didn’t want the holes open at the top of my leg. It wasn’t enough to make me not buy them because I loved everything else about them and I figured it would be a quick fix. So here is an easy and quick way to fill in any holes. 

H O W   T O   F I L L   H O L E S   I N   Y O U R   J E A N S

1. Get some white thin fabric. (Or whatever color you would like to fill the holes with). Cut it to be about a 1/4 inch larger than your hole.

2. I used mending tape and found it to be the easiest to work with. I cut it to be about a 1/4 inch larger than the white fabric.

3. Follow the directions on your mending tape package. This includes ironing it on to your jeans. and letting it cool.

That’s it! Super simple.

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