
The other week in one of my link parties I remember someone linking up how they used vinegar to age metal and I looked for that kind blogger’s link but couldn’t find the link anymore! So whoever you are, thanks for the idea! Anyway, a while ago I bought some of these tin buckets in the dollar section at Target. I thought they were cute so I bought a couple. I liked them how they were, but sometimes when I buy cheap metal things like this they are just too shiny and new looking for me. So I left them outside for a few weeks because I was hoping they would rust a little or look a bit more aged-that didn’t work so when I saw that post about aging it with vinegar I dug these tins out of the snow in my backyard and got out my vinegar.


I just filled up a mop bucket full of white vinegar and submerged the two tin buckets. After about a day and a half I pulled them out of the bucket, rinsed them with water-because they were pretty stinky because of the vinegar and then used a towel to dry them off. The result is some seriously rusted little buckets. Who knew that vinegar would do that?! I filled the little buckets with some fake succulents from Hobby Lobby. IMG_2770IMG_2773 IMG_2722

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