
The friend who taught me how to make these

molten lava cakes

, also taught me how to make these key lime pies at her cooking class. I remember while in Key West a few years ago, we had our fair share of key lime pie.

Blue Heaven

 in Key West has the best key lime pie hands down-and how can you not love a place where you eat in the backyard with roosters roaming and a live band playing-it perfectly personifies Key West. But I am not a big fan of meringue-which they use, I much prefer the whipped topping instead. So for these little key lime pies I made, I used a whipped topping. This is such a quick and easy recipe I just love it!

Key Lime Pie:

1 (14 oz) can of sweetened condensed milk

3 egg yolks

1/2 cup key lime juice (I used


kind-it must be KEY lime juice-not just lime juice)

1 graham cracker crust or about 7 mini graham cracker crusts (which is what I used)

whipped topping

lime zest for garnish

Whisk the condensed milk, egg yolks and key lime juice until smooth. Pour in to the graham cracker crust(s). Bake at 350 degrees for 15 minutes. Cool for 10 minutes then refrigerate until cool (about an hour). Top with whipped topping and lime zest. 

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