{my} favorite ice cream


Today I just wanted to share with you my favorite ice cream… because I love ice cream. And maybe some of you will want to try it 🙂 It is Graeter’s Black Raspberry Chip. When my husband and I were engaged, I made my first trip to Cincinnati and he introduced me to Graeter’s. It was so good and something I only had when we would visit his parents. Well… then I found out that the locally owned Kroger grocery store carried Graeter’s. So I would always stop by that grocery store to stock up. Then a sad day came when the Kroger was bought out by another company and they said they would no longer carry Cincinnati items like Graeter’s and Skyline Chili. I was so sad. But the other night I went to that particular grocery store again and I saw Graeter’s. So of course I bought some and now am so happy to know that I can get my ice cream fix locally instead of only in Cincinnati. If you have a Kroger owned store near you, (I know it was Smith’s when I lived in Utah), go see if they carry Graeter’s ice cream, you won’t be disappointed!
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