With the leftover apples after making my applesauce, I decided to make a couple pies to freeze. Here is the recipe I used to make the pie filling:
In a gallon sized ziplock bag, add:
1 cup sugar
1/4 c flour
1 tsp cinnamon
1/4 tsp salt
1/8 tsp nutmeg
Shake it up until it is combined
Then add:
8-9 apples peeled and sliced thin. I used Honeycrisp, Granny Smith’s are also good
2 tbs butter cut in to chunks
Shake the bag again to make sure all of the apples get coated
Then add:
2 tbs lemon juice
Make sure to freeze the apples quickly so they don’t get too juicy.
*Now a great tip I learned from my neighbor:
Put some freezer paper down in a pie pan, spray with some cooking spray, then spread the apple filling in to the pan. Put it all in the freezer-pie pan and all. When the apples are completely frozen, remove the apples and paper from the pan, peel off the freezer paper and I just stuck the frozen pie filing in a gallon sized ziplock bag. Then when you go to cook the pie, just put your frozen pie filling right on top of the pie crust and it’s the perfect size! No melting of the apples needed!

For the pie crust, I ran out of flour so I substituted some white cake mix in place of about 1/3 of the required flour. I LOVED it! I don’t know why all pie crust doesn’t call for cake mix. It gives it a nice crisp texture and it tastes really good too!
Cook as you would a normal pie for 20 minutes at 400, and then 45 minutes at 325.
After it was done, I drizzled some melted caramel over the top and topped it with some homemade whipped cream. I think it was perhaps my favorite apple pie ever!