Hi everyone, welcome to another Share It Link Party! I’m pretty excited about this post today, it has been long in the making. For the past year and a half I have been sharing my crafts and ideas here on my blog. I am so grateful to all of you for your kind words and support for these projects. Not to mention all of your inspiration in helping me to create. So when I was approached to have some of my favorite crafts be put in to an eBook, I was pretty excited. And of course I want to share the love with you guys who have helped me so much along the way! I even added a bonus tutorial that I have never posted on my blog.
To The Giveaway: Anyone who would like a FREE copy of “Top 20 Crafts from: The Winthrop Chronicles” email me at thewinthropchronicles@gmail.com. Or you can buy it HERE.
*This free download offer is available for TWO days, so email me before Thursday.
*In return for the free download, all I ask is that you take the time to WRITE A REVIEW of the eBook on Amazon. Just head HERE and say the most kind, supportive words you can think of to describe my book – kidding! Just let me know what you think. I would greatly appreciate it. I hope you really do enjoy the eBook on your tablet, computer or smartphone! And thanks again!
Before & After of New Kitchen from Martha.Anne

3. Make sure to check out some of the other links before leaving.