{from our trip to key west last year}
Recently, I had some friends ask about what I plan to do with my kids over the summer. And they ask how I find time to do all the things I do during the day. I really think the answer is a schedule. I am a big believer in schedules and routines. One time an employee at the gym asked me if I ever get bored using the same machines every day, and people at the grocery store always say, “see you next Friday.” Being able to have a schedule keeps me organized and on task and allows me to accomplish all that I need to. I recently put together a schedule for my kids and I and thought I would share it with you. In case any of you are looking for a way to structure your summer (that sounds like an oxymoron I know!)
Of course there will be some changes to this to include things like play dates and vacations. But this is a good framework for us to work from. And boy do I wish that after 5:00 pm it was only family time! There are church meetings, soccer games, my husbands work meetings and date nights, etc., etc., I just stuck to during the day. And our day would start way later than 7:00 am if it were up to me… but my day starts when the kiddos get up.

{There will be plenty of bike riding going on this summer}
-School: We bought some math books online for my 3 and 5 year old. I haven’t prepared all of my “special lessons,” but they include things like learning about the different types of clouds, including a field trip outside, going to museums, learning about sea animals, etc. I have also just asked the kids what they wanted to learn about and one day they picked squirrels. So we went to google and youtube and found out a lot about squirrels. My kids also said they wanted to learn sign language so we will be learning a sign a day for the summer.
-Chores: The kids do things like: clean their room, make their beds, vacuum, clean the toy area in the basement, put all the dirty clothes down the laundry shoot. I made a chore chart a few months ago that helps us keep track of chores. They have a good routine now so I can usually do other chores while they take care of their own chores.
-Quiet time: The boys stay in their room. They can read books or play with one or two toys.
-Gym time: The gym I go to has a kid’s camp. So I can go work out or run outside while the kids stay at the kid’s camp doing things like crafts, story time, playing in the big tunnel/play place or just playing with toys.
{and swimming}
So do you make schedules for the summer or am I the only strict mom out there? My kids love having a schedule though and refer to it often during the day-it must be in the genetics!