
IMG_4885I see beautiful gallery walls all over. If it were up to me I would have gallery walls in every room covering the walls-wait it IS up to me… So far I have a gallery wall in three rooms I have started working on in our house. I wanted to show you the first one I completed along with some other gallery ideas and tips.  IMG_4888 IMG_4881This gallery wall is in our living room. We have a two story foyer and living room so there is a huge wall that was just so bare. I decided to fill it up with this gallery wall. I chose to use only white, black and gold in the gallery wall because I felt like it was versatile and could go with most accent colors. That way if I change colors in the room, this gallery wall doesn’t need to change. It’s a mix of pictures, quotes, and random things I have picked up. I wanted it to help us remember the things that are important to us, our family, our mission service, our faith, the temple where we were married. My mom painted the watercolor of the temple and my sister painted the family portrait and sells them here
IMG_4895 IMG_4887To hang a gallery wall, I set all of the frames on the floor in the pattern I wanted. I made sure to stagger it enough that it didn’t have to be perfect because with that many items on the wall it’s hard to measure so they are exactly the same distance apart. But by laying them out I could get the shape of the wall. Then one by one I nailed them to the wall. For some of the things that didn’t have hooks I used double sided Gorilla tape-that stuff is so awesome and durable. There are so many different ways to display a gallery wall. I have picked a few of my favorites that I have seen online. 
I’m a sucker for the white frames. It really helps to define the space.

Is this considered a gallery wall? Well, I’m considering it one. It’s so simple but adds so much character to the space.

White frames in a straight pattern a compulsive person’s dream 😉 I love it. The bright pops of color are what makes it interesting.

I mostly love the use of maps and architectural drawings in this gallery wall. It’s such a great way to personalize your home with maps of your city or neighborhood, or floor plans of your house. 

Using washi tape to put photos on the wall-genius and so easy!

Even small spaces can be turned in to a gallery wall.

I love the mixed mediums here, wood, glass, plastic, metal.

So stunning with all black frames on a dark wall.

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