Pear Arugula Pizza

I love experimenting with different kinds of pizza. It’s my favorite food and there are so many different ways to cook pizza. The topping combinations are endless. I am always looking for meatless options for pizza toppings. I love this pizza because it has a sweet component with the honey and salty component with the arugula and goat cheese. It makes it the perfect combination.

P E A R   A R U G U L A   P I Z Z A

Pizza dough (I buy refrigerated premade dough from my local grocery store or Trader Joes)
Goat cheese
Pear (sliced)
Yellow Onion (sliced)
1 TBS Honey
2 TBS Evoo
1/4-1/2 tsp thyme
1/2 a lemon
salt and pepper

Caramelize your onions and pears by placing the onions in a skillet with 1 TBS of Evoo in it heated on medium heat. Cook the onions until they being to become translucent. Add the pears and continue cooking until the pears soften. Don’t over cook the pears or they will turn in to mush. Cook your crust for half of the baking time (I always cook mine on a pizza stone at 550 degrees) for about 5-7 minutes. In a little bowl combine the honey, rest of the Evoo and thyme. Spread it on the pizza crust. Top with caramelized pears and onions and little bits of goat cheese. Continue cooking the pizza in the oven for another 7-10 minutes until the crust is brown and the cheese starts to melt. In a separate bowl, toss the arugula with the juice of a half of a lemon, sprinkle in some salt and pepper and toss. When the pizza is cooked, top with the arugula salad. 

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