What To Do On A Day Trip To Waco

Last week my husband had a work conference in Texas. He doesn’t go on many work trips so when he does he makes sure to plan it someplace that I would want to go to so that we can spend some time together. There was a conference in San Antonio he wanted to go to and I said, “Yes please!!” This was the perfect opportunity to visit Waco and the Magnolia Silos. During our time in Texas, we spent a few days in San Antonio which was so fun. I have been there before and just love that city. Our hotel was right on the river walk so I could go running along it in the morning and then visited some missions and Mexican Market during the day. We also spent some time in Corpus Christi and Austin before spending a day in Waco.

Because it was a Saturday I expected it to be a little busy, and it was. But the crowd of people weren’t that big of a deal. You had to wait in line for the food trucks but it wasn’t too bad, maybe a half hour and we were there right around noon. You also have to wait in line for the bathroom unless you use the outhouses. And you have to wait in line for the bakery and the checkout line in the store. So just be strategic about it and it won’t be so bad 🙂 Maybe go with a friend who can either wait in line for you or keep you company while waiting in line. 

There are plenty of spots to snap pictures and everyone’s taking pictures so I didn’t have to feel awkward about all the pictures my husband was taking of me 🙂

Honestly, I was a little annoyed at how busy the store was. My husband just went straight to stand in the checkout line while I shopped. It’s kind of hard and stressful to sit there and think about which decor pieces I want to go where in my house when there are so many people walking in front or around me and bumping in to me. But I managed to find some things I liked. And figured I could just buy more things on the store’s website. I did like looking at how everything was decorated to give me some inspiration for future projects. 

My instagram husband in the window reflection and a guy walking a dog who apparently was intrigued about a girl walking several times in front of the same window telling orders to her husband to get her feet AND head in the picture 😉 haha

The Silos Baking Co. food truck with lots of goodies.

After we ate lunch, went shopping and walked around we headed to Harp Design Co. It’s about a 10 minute drive from the silos. And free parking either in the little parking lot or on the street. I didn’t realize this but Clint’s house is right next door! They rent it out on as a bed and breakfast, but it’s still cool to see their house it’s so pretty-I mean from the outside 🙂 His store is pretty small but decorated really cute and I was able to get some ideas for projects that I want to do. But don’t get me started on those $500 blankets and $300 pillows-I mean come on, seriously-these are DIY, crafters coming to the store when we see something priced like that we just think, oh I could make one just like that for practically free! 

Then we drove another 15-20 minutes down to McGregor to see the Magnolia House. We took a slight detour to snap a picture of the Mars candy bar factory for our 9-year-old who loves candy and somehow knew that the North American headquarters is in Waco. The town of McGregor is really small and quiet. There were a few people who we saw also taking pictures of the bed and breakfast. It was cool seeing a house that they fixed up. 

T I P S    F O R    Y O U R    D A Y    T R I P    T O    W A C O

1. Head to the silos in the morning/mid morning. We were there around 11am and the crowds definitely increased the longer we were there.
2. You can pay $10 for close parking, take a free trolley or just park further away and walk.
3. If there is a line to get in the bakery, don’t fret, there is a Silos Baking Co. inside where you can buy the cupcakes and cookies-the exact ones they have in the bakery. There are just a few items available in the bakery that AREN’T available in the truck like the apple crumble and something else. But all I cared about were the cookies and cupcakes-which were really good. The classic was my favorite probably in my top two of all time favorite cupcakes and I would consider myself a cupcake snob. 
4. Be prepared to be crowded in the shop. Just be patient and take your time and know you can buy a lot of that stuff online. If you have someone with you, have one person wait in line while you shop the check out line is really long. 
5. The food trucks are all good. I loved the grilled cheese but really, they all have great things. And go find a table to eat at while you are waiting for your food. 
6. Don’t be bashful about taking lots of pictures. Everyone is taking pictures, seriously it’s instagrammable everywhere you look!
7. Harp Design Co. is a quick stop, the shop is small. The Magnolia House is also a quick stop, just snap a picture and leave. Harp Design Co. is about 10 minutes from the silos, and the Magnolia House is about 15-20 minutes from Harp Design Co. 

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