American Flag Berry Pie

One of my favorite things about the summer is having picnics and barbecues with friends and family. This american flag berry pie is by far my favorite summer dessert. I love to repost it this time of year to share the recipe with all of you. Two summer’s ago my pie was featured in the July issue of Glamour magazine. It’s super easy and will definitely be the best looking food item at your summer picnic. This pie is such a fun way to help celebrate these patriotic holidays.

A M E R I C A N    F L A G    B E R R Y    P I E

-2 Cans of red berry pie filling (cherries, strawberries, etc) I incorporated fresh fruit in to the pie, so I used 1 can of cherry pie filling and about a cup of fresh sliced strawberries and pitted cherries. 
-1 Can of blueberry pie filling and about 1/4 cup of fresh blueberries
-2 pie crusts

Put one layer of pie crust in the bottom of your pie pan. Section off your pie with a piece of tinfoil so that your blueberries stay separate from your red berries and you can have a clean line between the stars and stripes. Pour in your red pie filling in 3/4 of the pie. Pour your blueberries in to the smaller tinfoil section. I removed the tinfoil before baking but you could certainly keep in in there and remove after it cooks if you’re worried about the red and blue berries mixing. Add some “stars” and “stripes” with the second pie crust. 

Bake in the oven at 400 degrees for about 15 minutes then turn the oven down to 375 degrees and continue baking for 45 minutes or until the crust is golden brown. 


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