5 Minute Homemade Ice Cream

You know when you’re craving some ice cream, you really don’t want to wait more than about five minutes to get it. This little recipe is so quick and surprisingly delicious considering it has just a few ingredients. It’s the perfect recipe because I have loads and loads of frozen fruit in my freezer from my summer pickings-and when produce is super cheap, I always stock up. So I make this ice cream all the time.

F I V E    M I N U T E    H O M E M A D E    I C E    C R E A M

In a blender or food processor combine:

About 3 cups of frozen fruit (I used raspberries and blackberries)
1/2 cup sugar
2/3 cup heavy cream
1 tsp vanilla

It does get a little soft during the mixing, so I always eat a little first 🙂 and then put the rest in the freezer and let it harden a little bit longer. So quick and easy. Perfect for a last minute dessert. 

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