
IMG_5028I have bought a fair share of furniture from IKEA lately… mostly because it’s inexpensive and I love shopping there because it reminds me of when we were in Europe 🙂 There are so many ways to make normal items from IKEA stand out and seem a bit more refined. Have you guys seen this website-dedicated to hacking normal IKEA products in to something else. This kitchen stool is my own IKEA hack. This is what it looked like before.IMG_4950I just took some Jacobean colored stain and put a thin coat of stain on the stool using a foam brush. After that dried according to the stain directions, I taped off the legs and top and painted it with a white latex paint.
IMG_4980IMG_5044When that dried, I used some sand paper and sanded down the white paint so it looked a little distressed. I also put just a tiny bit of stain on a rag and wiped it over the white paint and quickly wiped off the excess so that it just gave it a hint of brown. I then sprayed three coats of polyurethane, letting it dry according to the directions on the can, between each coat. 
IMG_5040I liked this stool as opposed to the other IKEA stools because it closes up. I don’t always need it so I wanted it to be collapsable. The stool comes with this little bracket that allows you to hang it on the wall. 
IMG_5010IMG_5005IMG_5041IMG_5017It’s the perfect little stool for the kitchen and I love having it hanging on the wall, it makes it like a decor piece also. And with just a little bit of paint and stain, it’s a completely unique piece. Now, if only IKEA would sell stools that already looked like this, my life would be a whole lot easier!

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