geometric painted tee


Ever since I made my spray painted t-shirt, I have been thinking of other t-shirt designs. This time I decided to use craft paint. I also used some freezer paper so that I could do something other than just stripes.

to make:
first. Draw your design on the non shiny side of the freezer paper. I decided to go with a bunch of triangles that I just free handed on, but you could print something like this out I am sure.

 second. Use a matte knife to cut out your design.

third. Iron on your freezer paper to your shirt (make sure to put newspaper inside the shirt to protect the other side of the t-shirt)

fourth. Using some craft paint, paint your t-shirt. I used a paper towel to dab it on to give it more of a distressed look.

Then when it dries, just peel off your freezer paper. It was pretty quick and easy to make this. I think the craft paint cracks more than the spray paint, but the spray paint has a rougher texture. So I’m not sure which method I like better, but there are more color options with the craft paint. I have another t-shirt I am working on already…

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