diy rosette pillow


to make:
first. Get a pillow from a craft store (I happened to find some on sale at JoAnns a few weeks ago). And two different pieces of fabric. I got a 1/2 yard of the rosette fabric, and about 3/4 yard of the white fabric (I used a soft felt).

second. I like to make little envelopes for my pillows, then I can easily take off the pillowcase if I need to and I don’t have to worry about putting in a zipper. So cut three panels that look like the picture below (the size will depend on the size of the pillow you are covering. To get the correct size: The center piece should cover the entire front side of the pillow, including 1/4 inch seam allowance all the way around. The smaller panels will end up being the back of the pillow. They should be the same length of the front panel, but as you can see in the photo they are a little shorter. You want to make sure that when the two back panels are on the pillow, that there is about 3 inches of overlap. DON’T SEW ANYTHING YET!

third. To make the rosette: Cut your fabric in to long strips that are about 4 inches wide. Then iron them to hide the edges. To do this I folded it in half the long way, ironed it and then folded the edges in about a 1/2 inch and ironed them.

Tie a knot at the end of one of the ironed strips of fabric. Make a center rosette by rolling the fabric around the knot, twisting the fabric as you go. 

Then hand stitch or hot glue it together to make sure that it stays.

I only used one strip with the center rosette, then with the other strips, start laying them down on the front panel of the pillow case, like this in the picture. I used hot glue as I went around slowly creating the rosette.

fourth. When the rosette is done, make sure that it is secure on the front panel of the felt, either with hot glue or hand sewing. Lay the front panel down, place the smaller panels on top of the rosette as seen in the pictures below. Remember, the smaller panels in the back should overlap a few inches.

fifth. Pin it together and then just sew around the outside of the pillowcase and you’re done. Flip it right side out and stuff your pillow in through the opening in the back.

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