Lean For 2016: Bathroom




Having an organized, efficient bathroom has such an effect on the overall cleanliness to the room. Bathrooms are well used and so they get dirty and cluttered quickly. Everyday I am clearing off my kids bathroom sink that always seems cluttered with toothbrushes, toothpaste and random toys. There is a lot of the bathroom that doesn’t get used-like drawers, a closet, shelf and the walls. So those are the areas that I want to focus on when talking about how to keep your bathroom lean. Keeping those areas clean and organized, will allow you to manage the dirt accumulated on the other high traffic areas like the tub, the toilet and sink that get dirty on a daily basis.

T I P S   F O R   A   L E A N   B A T H R O O M

1. Clear out items you don’t use on a daily basis. Go through your daily routine in the bathroom, if you don’t use it, put it in a basket in a closet or drawer. 

2. Don’t over decorate-keep the colors light. Bathrooms are usually small, so adding a lot of decor and dark paint colors, will automatically seem cluttered and small. Keep the wall, decor and towel colors light. Minimize wall decor-keep it to a mirror and possibly one piece of decor. 

3. Keep decor useful. If you do decide to have a shelf, make sure that it is for useful storage. Get rid of unused tables or storage units. It’s amazing how much added furniture people try to add in to a bathroom. It’s not a place most people spend a lot of time so there’s no need for an additional lounge chair or side table.

4. Clear surfaces. Keep the bathtub, toilet and sink clear of decor or clutter. Use sink storage or closet storage to hide bath toys, added soaps or any other bathroom items. 

5. Get rid of all your unused toiletries. You know we all have those extra bottles of lotion or face wash or hotel shampoos. I recently went through my boxes of extra toiletries and narrowed it down to one 12 x 12 basket-which then I put in my linen closet. There’s no need to save those items because we know we will always buy or collect more. 

6. Organize your storage. We always have extra towels or extra q-tips so the trick is to make the storage unified by putting them in matching baskets or glass jars. That will allow your stored items to still look organized and efficient. 



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7. Keep your bathroom clean. Keep those bleach wipes handy so you can quickly wipe down surfaces on a regular basis. 

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