cookie dough brownies


My husband loves chocolate chip cookie dough and unfortunately for him, I am always worried he will die of salmonella poisoning from the raw eggs… I know, I’m a party pooper. When I am baking things with the boys, Jackson always asks, “Does this have eggs in it.” So then he knows if he can lick the spoon or not. So when I saw these cookie dough brownies, I thought they would be a perfect treat for my husband… and for me since I love brownies 😉

For the brownies, I just used Betty Crocker’s peanut butter brownie mix. I am quite the brownie critic and I think Betty Crocker’s triple chunk are the best and I think why mess with perfection?! I used the peanut butter since my husband loves peanut butter.
For the cookie dough, I used this recipe. I also added some milk chocolate chips on top along with some drizzled melted dark chocolate. They were pretty sweet, but delicious… that is after I convinced myself that it was ok to eat this cookie dough because there are no eggs in it. 
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