just a peek inside my closet


I bought a pair of red corduroys the other week and they have to be the most comfortable pants ever!… well, except for my endless supply of yoga pants 🙂 So I was thinking about what I should pair the red pants with and I thought of my chambray shirt and navy blazer. I am so glad that blazers are in right now because I have so many from my TV news days. I would wear a blazer every day to work so I have quite the supply of blazers built up.

With my outfit last week, I found the inspiration on Pinterest first then I created my outfit around it. This week, I actually planned my outfit first and took pictures and then looked on Pinterest to see if there was something similar so that I could have a comparable photo. I thought it was funny I actually did find outfits almost exactly like the one I picked out for myself. Does that ever happen to you? When you pick out an outfit that you think is so original and find someone dressed just like you? You can either be mad that someone “copied” you and you aren’t as original as you thought. Or you can be happy thinking, ok, I wasn’t too far off the mark, at least one other person thinks this outfit works!

Pinterest finds:
{source: here + here}

In my closet:

{blazer: H&M, shirt: Old Navy, red cords: Only Navy, shoes: Target, accessories: Target}

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