homemade gift idea


Every year at Thanksgiving, we exchange gifts with my husband’s family. This year, we changed things up a little and did a secret santa gift exchange, but instead of buying for a specific person, we each submitted themes and then we had to buy a gift for that theme. Then at the gift exchange we would find out who we bought the present for. The theme I was assigned was “wall decor for the home.” Since I didn’t know who this wall decor was for, I wanted it to be something pretty generic and with multiple uses. I went to World Market and saw so many things that were really cute, but I just kept thinking… I could make that! And so I did…. and at about a tenth of the price. 
to make:
first. Cut some burlap to fit the inside of you frame, leaving about and inch and a half extra all around.
second. Hot glue two pieces of thin wire to the burlap. One piece of wire towards the top and one towards the middle. 

third. Put the wire side of the burlap down and put the glass on top of it. I actually added a piece of brown paper in between the burlap and the glass so that you don’t see the glass reflecting through the burlap. I decided not to glue the burlap to the glass in case the person didn’t like my gift and just wanted to use the picture frame as a normal picture frame. You, however could glue the burlap to the glass.

fourth. Put the glass back inside the picture frame, making sure to pull the burlap tight so that it isn’t loose or wrinkled in the front.

Add a couple of mini clothes pins and you have a little message/photo board. I also included one of my favorite holiday recipes and a picture of my kids.  If this were a gift for a grandma, I am sure she would love pictures of her grandkids included. You could also add some of your favorite inspirational stories or quotes. Then the person can switch out those things with whatever they want.

 {I kind of like the option of being able to set it on a table}
And there’s a quick and easy homemade holiday gift. So are you going to be ambitious and make a homemade gift this year?
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