diy lace collar applique + giveaway!


I bought this grey turtleneck a couple of years ago and love the color and how long it is. But recently, I had been thinking about what I could do with this sweater because the turtleneck portion is tight fitting and I’m just not that in to turtlenecks lately. So when I received these lace collar appliques from Whole Port, I decided, that’s how I can update this old turtleneck! 

After getting the lace collar applique, all I did was cut the neck of my turtleneck to become a swoop neck and then hand sew on the applique. To make sure that I made the right cut, I pinned the collar on top of the front of the sweater, then cut to match the curvature of the collar. Because I wanted the back of the sweater to match the same swoop neck as the front of the sweater, I just cut the back of the sweater together with the front. Then I simply hand sewed it on. Notice on the back the collar applique only goes partially around- that’s because I chose to make the swoop neck so big.

To the giveaway: One of you will win TWO lace collar appliques! That means that you can revamp some of your old clothing just by hand sewing on a collar applique-which are so trendy by the way!

To enter:
1. Be a follower of my blog (via google friend connect-on the sidebar)
2. Like The Winthrop Chronicles on Facebook

Additional entries:
1. Pin this giveaway

Make sure to leave a comment below telling me which of these things you did. A winner will be picked via from the comments below. So the more comments, the better your chance at winning. And leave your email address so that I can contact you if you win.

{the giveaway closes Saturday, February 16th}
{the giveaway is open to the U.S. only}

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