pallet wall art


IMG_2018-bRecently, (meaning about two months ago) I transformed my living room. It was painted when we first moved in which was 5 1/2 years ago. I was 9 months pregnant so we wanted to get some paint up on the walls before the baby and extended family came. So my husband spent 24 hours painting our house while I stayed in our apartment relaxing 🙂 I thought it was time for an update.. I was surprised it lasted untouched this long! I’ll have more to show of my living room later. I love pallet art and already made one for my dining room, then when I saw a whole pile of old pallets being thrown away in someone’s yard, I knew I needed to get some and make something else for my living room. The person was someone I knew, so I didn’t feel bad shuffling through her trash. I told my husband about them and he picked up a few for me on his way home (since they are so heavy!)
The first thing I did was ask my husband to get the slats off the pallet 🙂 Because the wood is so old it is very hard to get the nails out without cracking the wood. Then I staggered the slats and nailed some pieces of scrap wood to the back to hold the slats together (you can see what that looks like here with another project I did).

I did a stencil on my other pallet art but love the look of the wooden letters. I saw a wooden word like this on Etsy, it cost $40, and although I probably would have still bought it, I thought it was worth having my husband try to make one himself first. I free handed the “hello” on to a piece of scrap wood and my husband used a scroll saw to cut it. I then painted it and distressed it a little. I think he did a great job cutting it out- and I didn’t have to spend the $40! I just glued it to the pallet.

It’s a pretty simple piece of art that was free!

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