
Another grilled cheese sandwich we made to commemorate National Grilled Cheese month is the gruyere and apple. I had some left over gruyere from the other grilled cheese sandwich, so it was perfect. We loved both sandwiches for their sweet and salty combination. (Again, we paired this sandwich with our favorite natural sea salt and pepper chips and one of our favorite natural root beers).

Gruyere and Apple Grilled Cheese Sandwich
4 slices Italian round bread
2 tablespoons olive oil
4 leaves Swiss chard, stem removed and roughly chopped
1/3 cup fresh grated gruyere
1/4 cup fresh grated mozzarella
1 heaping tablespoon finely minced shallot
1/4 cup thinly sliced apple (braeburn, honey crisp or pink lady)
1 1/2 tablespoons whole grain mustard
sea salt

1. Heat 1 tablespoon of olive oil in a pan and add chard. Sauté for 3-4 minutes until soft, remove from pan into a bowl and reserve.
2. Preheat skillet or panini maker for sandwiches.
3. Combine both grated cheeses and the finely chopped shallot. On two slices of the bread, divide the mustard and spread to all edges of the bread. Lay two to three slices of thinly sliced apple on top. Divide the shredded cheese on top of the apple slices in an even layer. Lastly, divide the sauteed chard on top of the cheese and top with the remaining slice of bread.
4. Drizzle olive oil on the top and a sprinkle of sea salt and put in the pan, oiled side down. Drizzle oil on top and flip the sandwich over, cook until the cheese in melted through.

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