While gathering recipes for a cooking class I was hosting, I found this caprese toast with persimmons and pears. I love having normal caprese toast, with tomatoes, basil and mozzarella. I make these baguette sandwiches probably once a week. So because persimmons and pears are a “winter” fruit this is perfect. And I am not sure if you have ever eaten a persimmon before, but they are delicious, kind of like a mango. Just FYI you can tell most persimmons are ripe the darker red/orange they get.

You make this just as you would a normal caprese toast. I toasted the sliced baguette in some olive oil on a saucepan for a few minutes. Then topped it with sliced persimmon, sliced pear, fresh basil, fresh mozzarella, balsamic dressing and salt and pepper. It makes the perfect little snack or appetizer. So go and get those persimmons while they are still in season!

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