
The other day while I was at the store, I found these plain Hanes sweatshirts for $1. At first I thought, huh that’s funny you can buy that for just $1 and then I thought, hey, I could buy that for $1! And I was pretty sure I could find a use for it and if not, it was just $1. So, I decided to paint them. 
First, I printed off an image I created on my computer, a square with the word “hello” in it. I printed it on the matte size of freezer paper that I cut to fit in my printer 8.5″x11″ I used a matte knife to cut out the square.
Second, iron on the freezer paper to your sweatshirt. Make sure to put some paper inside the shirt so that nothing gets transferred to the back of the shirt. 

Third, use craft or fabric paint and paint your shirt. That’s it! For the dark grey sweatshirt I just did the same thing but with a single triangle.

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