
Oh I’m so excited to share this giveaway with you today! I just love Freshly Picked and watched Susan on Shark Tank where she did awesome. She and the kind people at Freshly Picked are giving away a pair of their little moccasins to one of you! My three year old is at the stage where she wants to put her shoes on by herself, but she can’t quite do it yet, so it just gets frustrating. I love that she can slip on these little moccs so quickly by herself. And because of the elastic in the ankle, they don’t slip off. There are so many colors to choose from too! It was hard to narrow it down, but I chose golden rod.

And the packaging is adorable! I also love that they have a sizing guide that you can print off to make sure you get the exact size that fits your baby or toddler.

And since I wanted to be generous too.. 😉 I am giving away one of my baby stats subway arts mounted on wood. There you can capture your little ones important stats and keep them as a wall hanging so that you always remember them. It is perfect for a little nursery or kids room. AND I am adding a new option to my shop, you can now pre order a baby stats and get a little printable card so that you can give one away at a baby shower. Since you normally don’t have that information at a shower, but these make such a great shower gift – the solution- a pre order option! You can pre order one here. Then when the baby arrives, the mommy can email me and get me the stats and her gift (from you) will be on it’s way.

Enter the Rafflecopter giveaway below for your chance to win a pair of Freshly Picked Moccasins (in the color of your choice) and a Baby Stats Subway Art mounted on wood (in the color of your choice). 
Good Luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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