
We are only packing some carry on bags when we travel so I have been thinking about what items I will be bringing. My space is limited so I am focusing on just a few things that are versatile. I needed to pack for hiking, traveling, going to church, and sightseeing. I packed two semi-casual outfits, two hiking outfits, and two sightseeing or casual outfits. 




Any of these outfits can be worn while commuting since we will be taking two overnight flights and two sleeper trains. I don’t want to be in my pj’s while on a train… but I do want to be comfortable. We hope to do laundry at least once while we are there. We also plan to do a fair share of hiking so having some hiking outfits is a must. And we figured that if the weather is really cold or really hot (because even after looking at the forecasts, we all know things can change) we will just buy something there-which I plan to do anyway 🙂

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