
I found some extra cement mix sitting in our garage that my husband had planned to use-but it had been there a while so it was fair game 😉 I thought the perfect use for a little bit of cement would be some letters. I have seen these before and love how they look. And they were pretty simple too.

 I bought some paper mache letters at Hobby Lobby and with a matte knife, cut one side off.

Then I was left with an empty letter. I mixed the cement (It was normal, patching cement sold in a carton). My cement was a bit on the liquid side-so it poured in nicely. I filled it almost to the top and gently tapped it from side to side to make sure it was level. Then I let it dry for about two days.

Now, I didn’t put anything down or over the top of the cement-which made it more difficult to get out. I actually didn’t think about it until my husband noticed and said I might have a problem getting it out of the mold. But when I looked at other bloggers who put tinfoil or wax paper down, I didn’t like how that left lines and wrinkles on the front of the letter. So, to get it out of the mold, once the cement has cured quite well (2-3 days) I just soaked them in water for about 10 minutes or so and peeled, and scraped it off with a matte knife. Then I sanded down the edges to smooth them out a little.
I just love these letters and have since moved them to our bedroom. They work perfectly on a shelf but could also hang on the wall.
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