
blogger to word pressSo I am always changing my mind about my blog design. I constantly find functions and options on other websites that I want to incorporate here or think of new ways my blog could be more user friendly. Luckily, my husband knows a thing or two about coding and web design and after my many specific requests over the years, he finally convinced me that although Blogger is great and served me well, it was time to move to WordPress if I wanted to get more specific coding options. So it has taken a few weeks to make the switch and the day has arrived! I’m so excited for all of the options that are now available to me and also excited about my new shop interface. It’s so much easier to customize through WordPress. I think Blogger was pretty easy to navigate and I’m always hesitant about having to learn a new program, but I think there are some options here I am really looking forward to. There’s no way I would have been able to switch if my husband wasn’t here doing the blog design and coding.

blog over the years

{My blog-and hair-transitions over the last few years}

I’m most excited about my new shop layout. It will be a lot easier for you to purchase items and a lot easier for me to add new items-I have a few things I am working on that I will be debuting in the next few weeks. I opted for the cropped posts because sometimes I like to post a lot of pictures-but when looking at other blogs I don’t like scrolling through tons of pictures to get to the next post-to be honest I have a love/hate relationship with the crop posts, so I decided to try it since I have done it with the full posts all this time. I’m still getting used to things in WordPress and so hopefully I get it all figured out soon…

Here are the different ways you can follow me:

{These remain the same}

{These you will have to manually update to}

As always, thanks for reading and I hope you find the new design more user friendly.


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