
Lately I have been looking for ways to make our living area more personalized. I love my floating shelves and the personalization it allows. But I wanted to go one step further with my pillows. I am a sucker for a monogram so when I saw these pillows and herringbone throw from Tiny Prints I knew I had to have them. 
IMG_2221With the new year upon us, my family and I decided to create a family theme for the year. This is the first time doing this because our kids are so young I wasn’t sure they would grasp the purpose of a family theme. I selected a few different quotes from leaders of our church and let the kids pick one. They chose “Choose to be grateful no matter what.” From President Uchtdorf. I am glad they chose this one because it’s short and to the point. They all have it memorized and we recite it together every week. I wanted the theme to be in a place where we could always see it so I made a little image and then uploaded it to Tiny Prints and got it printed on one of their metal wall art. It can hang on the wall but I think it’s perfect on the shelf. I want to get a new one made every year so that when our kids are older we will have several metal plaques with our family’s theme on it.  IMG_2216IMG_2212 IMG_2236 IMG_2231

This is always a hard time of year for me to decorate because I wish for spring so badly and crave those bright colors, but outside it’s a blanket of white snow. It’s nice having some bright colors in my living room now.
IMG_2245ps-rarely do you see me lounging on the couch reading a book-there’s always something to do or something to be cleaned, but this throw is so soft I kind of got distracted while taking pictures and sat down and read until Jackson’s bus arrived.  

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