
So, a big part to why I decided to do Whole 30 was to curb my sugar cravings. They were bad! By about 10 am I would be craving something sweet. After every meal I would crave something sweet. The first few days of Whole 30 were tough because I really wanted a sweet treat and fruit just wasn’t doing it for me. I tried a lot of different recipes-including homemade Nutella that was a bust. It took a while for me to realize that if I make things and just don’t add sugar- they WON’T taste good-even if they look delicious! But these little bites actually were really good and a great little sweet treat with no added sugar. I think they would be great for someone trying to cut back on sugar or diabetic. I have a little stockpile of these guys in the refrigerator and they are so good. So much better for me than grabbing a piece of chocolate or candy! IMG_3184 IMG_3197

[yumprint-recipe id=’11’]

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