
Ok, I just want to say this is not very healthy-that’s my disclaimer, I will take no responsibility for breaking anyone’s diet. But this is a yummy treat that you can spoil yourself with every once in a while 🙂 While I was in Cincinnati my husband and I stopped by Tom + Chee. We saw them on Shark Tank so we were pretty excited to eat there. We each got a normal grilled cheese sandwich and then we shared a donut grilled cheese with cheddar and we also shared this donut s’more grilled cheese. I think they can get away with calling it a grilled cheese because there is mascarpone in it. So the other night when we had some people over for dinner, we made a few sandwiches from Tom + Chee and for dessert we ate these donut s’more grilled cheese.

To make them, slice a donut and using a pastry brush, spread on some melted butter to the inside of the donut and place the buttered side down on a skillet that is heated to medium temperature. Take the graham cracker and spread on the mascarpone, marshmallow fluff and chocolate chips. Then put it on one of the donuts. After the donuts brown a little, just put the top slice on it, butter side out.

– D E L I C I O U S –
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