
IMG_7373IMG_7372I just love these industrial metal chairs. They are so popular now, I see them everywhere. I have them in my kitchen, my husband has one in his office and I have these in my craft room/office. These particular chairs are barstools because I have a taller desk. I love the look of them but they aren’t very comfortable to sit on for long periods of time. There are a lot of options for seat cushions-but not a lot of options for this type of chair. Most seat cushions would be too big for these chairs. So I decided to make some. Now, sometimes working with the sewing machine makes me sweat a little, but I figured these wouldn’t be too tough. They aren’t perfect… but they do the job and I love the colors. IMG_7380

D I Y   I N D U S T R I A L   C H A I R   S E A T   C U S H I O N

1. Select your fabric. I chose a canvas fabric, I wanted it to be a bit more durable than a thin cotton. I didn’t find any fabric I thought would match the room so I just bought white fabric and then used normal wall paint to paint different colors on it. I washed and dried the fabric after the paint dried and before sewing with it.
IMG_70762. I bought two 1 inch square foam pads. Using a piece of card stock or cardboard, create a template of the chair size so that you can cut the exact size of foam. Trace the cardboard template on to the foam and cut out your foam piece.

3. Just like how you would make a pillow, place two pieces of fabric, right sides of the fabric in, cut them the size you need around the foam. Pin in place.

4. Sew three sides. You can also use a new sew fabric glue and do the same thing.

5. Turn the seat cover right side out (if you use glue, make sure that it’s completely dry before doing this).

6. Put your foam inside the seat cover. Sew or glue shut the fourth side of the seat cover. 
seat cover7. I added some velcro so that the seat cushions stay put. You could do this with ribbon also. You can sew this on after the seat cover is done or include it as you are sewing the sides. 
IMG_7383These seat cushions make sitting at the computer so much more comfortable and they add a perfect little touch of color to the white chairs and white desk. 

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