Oh Hello C o l o r s + C r a f t

Hey guys! So about five years ago I started my blog The Winthrop Chronicles to chronicle the life of our little family (who lived on a street called Winthrop). A few years later I decided to make my family blog private and instead dedicate The Winthrop Chronicles to chronicle my latest DIY projects and fashion crushes. Since then I have loved sharing my creative ideas with you. My blog has become a space for home projects, everyday crafts, simple clothing or furniture upcycles, favorite recipes, style inspiration and outfit ideas. It has nothing to do with my little family living on a street called Winthrop 🙂 I felt the time was right to make my blog name align more with what you will read here. That’s why I changed my name to C o l o r s  +  C r a f t. It has been in the works for a few months but it got expedited when my blog was hacked and even the hosting site was having some technical difficulty-so I switched website hosts (Squarespace) and decided to do it all in one fell swoop. You know how much I love learning new website entry coding and lingo ha! Please be patient as I learn more about Squarespace and work out any kinks. I’m excited for this new step for my blog. And so excited you are here with me! 


  1. Design Consulting. One of the most common questions I get is how to style a room or fill a blank wall. I am now offering design consulting yay! This is something I have wanted to do for many years-we’re talking since I was about 10 years old. Check out the Design Consulting link in my drop down menu for the details. 
  2. Email updates and giveaways. Make sure to join the mailing list so that you can enter giveaways and receive coupon codes for design consulting.  
  3. More DIY’s and upcycles. I will continue to share quick and inexpensive ways to enhance parts of your home and wardrobe. 
  4. Share It Link Party. This is one of my favorite blog posts each week. I love seeing all of your latest projects and recipes and will continue hosting the link party each Tuesday morning. 

Thank you thank you for following along with me on this journey and this change. You guys are so awesome! 

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