Halloween Mummy Dogs with Cheese Dipping Sauce

I love making halloween treats and foods. I am sure you have seen these little mummy dogs before. I think they are so cute and my kids love them. But this year I wanted to spice them up a little by making some homemade cheese dipping sauce. I recently received some hot sauce from Dan the Mans and wanted to add that in to the cheese sauce. Luckily for me, my sister-in-law was in town last weekend and came up with this delicious cheese dipping sauce recipe. You can add in as much or as little of the hot sauce to make it to your liking. I think this cheese sauce will be a new staple in my house-it’s perfect for a cheese fondu too!

H A L L O W E E N   M U M M Y   D O G S   W I T H   C H E E S E   D I P P I N G   S A U C E

Hot dogs (you can use mini dogs, I like the angus hot dogs with no additives so I just bought normal sized hot dogs and cut them in thirds)
Pilsbury dough
Sea Salt

I baked my hot dogs on a broiler pan just to get some good grill marks on them first, let them cool for a few minutes and wrap them in thinly cut strips of the pilsbury dough. Bake according to the dough directions (about 15-20 minutes at 350 degrees or so). Sprinkle on some sea salt.

Cheese Dipping Sauce:
1 1/2 cup whole milk
2 1/2 tablespoons flour
1 teaspoon dijon mustard
1 1/2 teaspoons Dan the Mans cayenne hot sauce
1 teaspoon chicken bouillon powder
1 1/2 cup cheese (1/2 cheddar, 1/2 monterrey jack)

Add all ingredients EXCEPT for the cheese in a saucepan and heat on medium and whisk until thick. When it’s thick, slowly add the cheese while stirring. I sprinkled a little chili power to the top before serving. 

Dip your mummy dogs in the cheese sauce and be prepared for amazing-ness!

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