DIY Kitchen Market Sign

I love seeing vintage signs that decorate people’s homes. There are so many cool metal ones I have found online, like this, this and this one. But I wanted to be able to make my own out of wood. It’s a little cheaper and then I can pick whatever words I want it to say. 

I decided to use wooden block letters but am working on another one using just paint and a stencil-that would be even more cost effective.

D I Y   K I T C H E N   M A R K E T   S I G N

1/4 inch piece of wood. I just grabbed a scrap piece from my garage
Wooden letters I got mine from Hobby Lobby when they were %50 off. Target also has some.
Wooden trim pieces-these can be however thick or wide you want
Small nails
Wood glue
Picture frame hooks like this

1. Paint your wooden letters black. I then sanded them down
2. Paint your 1/4 inch piece of wood white and sand it down to distress it
3. Cut your trim pieces to fit around your white 1/4 inch board
4. Using wood glue attach your trim pieces to your white board
5. Using wood glue and or nails to attach your letters to your 1/4 inch board
6. To attach the board to the wall I used small picture frame hooks to the back of the white board. 

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