How To Enjoy European Sipping Chocolate

Ok so I have been on the hunt for the perfect sipping chocolate since traveling in Europe a few years ago. I have bought every “drinking” or “sipping” chocolate I’ve seen. A while ago I found some at Eataly in Chicago that was amazing and exactly like the kind I had in Italy. But I am not always in downtown Chicago, so I wanted something I could have any time at my house. 

I have tried a few recipes to make my own sipping chocolate, you can find one of my recipes HERE. But you’re adding cornstarch to thicken it and I didn’t really like the flavor that the cornstarch gave. And you can’t just add in a ton of normal hot chocolate powder to thicken it that way because it will be way too sweet for you. Sipping chocolate is made with a little darker of a chocolate. 

Well, this year has been my lucky year because after much searching, I found TWO kinds of sipping chocolate that I think are just like the kind of sipping chocolate I had in Europe. 

The first chocolate I found was at Trader Joe’s. You can find it in their stores near the coffee section or buy it online HERE. You simply heat up some 2% or whole milk then add three tablespoons of the chocolate powder and stir. If you want it even thicker, just add a little more powder in. 

Then while in Michigan, I made a stop at my favorite chocolate store, Kilwins and they advertised “drinking chocolate.” I was a little skeptical because I have seen this many times before where it’s advertised “European” or “Drinking” chocolate but it’s super thin and not thick at all. But, I bought some anyway and it was amazing!! I mean, it’s just chocolate shreds and you add 2% or whole milk to it. It’s basically like a thin ganache-so it’s pretty delicious! You can buy some HERE. I also bought some handmade marshmallows from Kilwins while I was there.

Both of these sipping chocolates are so yummy and enjoyed in small portions. Because they are so sweet, you really just need a tiny bit. But for those sips, you can just sit back and imagine yourself at at little cafe in Europe. Way more sophisticated than normal hot chocolate 😉

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